January 31, 2016

[Lego] Black light - #71310 Umarak the Hunter

Oh man, I've been looking forward to capture this one. A lot.

Umarak the Hunter, the main villain of 2016's Bionicle "The Journey to One" chapter.
I'm trying out a new layout for these images, one similar to ArcFire and that one Scifi Ninja back in 2013.

Umarak is a well designed Bionicle figure to pose around in different (crazy) stances. Unfortunately does Umarak have a similar ankle design to General Grievous; while that does reinforce the feet a lot, it does limit the range of a standing position or standing balance. I love how they design the bows since Skull Warrior - it's easy to pose them and it especially works well with the new waist articulation that is still rare among Bionicle (I'm looking at you, Maxilos).

The design of Umarak is fantastic in my opinion. For my totally subjective list of favorite Bionicle designs, he'll be ranked up high. Those antlers really give him some personality. But I think his mask really does it for him.

But hey, if you really want to see some cool images, I have to bring my black light in the camera view, if you don't mind. BRB.

Yeah, that looks amazing. Just check out that bright reflection in those surrounding pieces. I love how his brain stock just glows through the mask.

I wonder how Umarak would look with Vezon or Fangar's tattered capes.

While one may argue that having a black light in the camera view seems unprofessional, another might appreciate the extra glow. It's hard to capture these images, y'know? You have to see them in person.

Also, what about the Power of Unity "gimmick" they introduced this year? Let's combine him with set #71300 Uxar - Creature of Jungle.

That looks interesting. It's a shame that my black light isn't strong enough to brighten the mask, because Uxar's head kind of obstructs the incoming light.

Here's a bonus image for the people who are interested in Uxar himself.

By the way, these blogposts take more than 4 hours to prepare. Ah well.
That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!

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